Monday, April 2, 2012

My name is David. I live Downtown Tyler Texas. Our home is located under The Downtown Coffee Lounge where me and my wife Ann Nell, along with our two little dogs, Bianca and Jali (pronounced like Halle) ,live in a basement space.

I know that doesn't sound too appealing, but with almost 2500 square feet of space, we have created a living space that has been adored by literally thousands of people. It has been featured on three television stations, two magazines, the newspaper, and even a talk radio program.

We have even opened it up to almost every "art walk" for the past year, where two to three hundred visitors have taken guided tours through every nook and cranny.

The space is really amazing! It is full of great ideas for decorating on a budget, in fact it only cost us about one thousand dollars to renovate, furnish, and decorate our place. That is about the price a person would pay for a single piece of furniture, like a Lazy Boy Chair.

Most folks wouldn't have believed their eyes, except for the fact that I can quote the price I paid for almost everything I bought or made. Some things were created from other things. Some things were bought at local thrift stores, like Goodwill or Salvation Army. Some things were literally rescued from the trash.

The end result was so astounding that I was even asked to write a regular featured column for a local magazine called IN Magazine. The title of my column is MakIN'it, ny David Wallace.

The art I created from nothing but trash turned out so beautiful , that I also have become a bit of a celebrity artist known as D.Wallace. I have sold numerous pieces, been in two art shows, one at Gallery Main Street, and it also has been featured on tv, radio, newspaper, and magazines. Several pieces were even purchased by professionals , who live and work in the big city of Dallas, Texas. They tell me my stuff would sell like crazy, in the big urban cities. I can't even make it fast enough for Tyler. It is really unique and seems to appeal to eveyone

Some times it feels like I'm living in a dream, but in reality, the dream is living in me.

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